We have a small amount of phone numbers that we use to allow our business customers send text message reminders to their clients on.
Some of these numbers are 520-413-7474, 647-931-1551, 647-931-4747, 415-992-6511, 804-409-9944, 844-575-0910, 844-575-0905, 844-575-0100, 844-575-0910. If you have received a reminder text message from one of these numbers and you’ve reached this page after looking up one of these numbers.. well there’s likely no need to worry as they are reminder messages which have been generated on our scheduling system. Often the message will contain an appointment date and time that you have been scheduled for and invite you to reply to it with a “Yes” message to confirm your appointment.
If you’ve any further worries you can email us at info@yellowschedule.com.